Events & News

Events & News

We are pleased to present the monthly edition of our newsletter for Diesel Generator UAE market and the Middle East customers. Please visit our official Instagram and LinkedIn profiles for comprehensive details regarding our upcoming events and seminars.

Our high-end Baudouin support infrastructure extends to the Middle East. Your business’s power is our priority, and we’re here to deliver excellence everywhere. 🌍

#Baudouin #PowerKit #DieselEngines #powergeneration #Energy #DieselGenerator #SilentGenerator #PortableGenerator 

Saturday 22nd April is #EarthDay and we’re supporting the need to protect the planet for future generations. It is crucial that we take action and work together to make a lasting impact.

 Baudouin gas engines offer the perfect complement to renewable energy generation, as their operating flexibility and high efficiency can offset the intermittency of these power generation sources.

 Baudouin Lean Burn Gas Engines are using heat recovery capabilities, which is economically beneficial for large greenhouses, hospitals and manufacturing facilities.

#Earthday #Earthday2023 #Baudouin #powergeneration

Fruitful cooperation between Uniquipt and WEG by making excellent integration of Baudouin Engine with WEG Alternator. Hashem Teimourzadeh at the MEE 2023 Show in Dubai.

#Diesel GeneratorUae

UniQuipt, the appointed distributor of Baudouin Engines in the Middle East invites you to visit our teams and experts in Middle East Energy 2023. So, we’re thrilled to meet you as a Platinum sponsor in Stand S3.B40 during Middle East Energy exhibition edition at the Dubai World Trade Centre.

#Diesel GeneratorUae

We supply diesel/gas engines, parts, as well as product support to customers in the middle east. Technology excites us and we constantly aim to build our portfolio of products around the need and demand of our customers. So, let’s check out the Uniquipt Company Presentation.

#Diesel GeneratorUae